Sometimes the solution is very simple, but you don't know where to start. As a specialist weight loss, type 2 diabetes and healthy lifestyle registered professional, I'm sharing some easy steps that help you to manage your daily physical activity goals while at work or at home.
First thing first, what is the meaning of physical activity.
Physical and activity are two different terms where physical word refers to the body and activity refers to the exercises/daily routine or any normal walk.
Do you know if you manage to do 30 minutes of physical activity daily, it can reduce your risks of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, weight management, bone and joint health and helps to improve body's metabolism?
I only mentioned a few benefits here but there are countless health benefits that you can reap from leaving sedentary lifestyle. At Nutrificient Life, we work with you very closely, where we provide you a much-needed nudge to get started with daily activities and alongside manage healthy diet.
The national recommendations for an adult from 19-64 years of age is 150 minutes per week. You can achieve the daily 30 minutes by doing moderate intensity and aerobic activities including cycling, gardening, cooking, dancing, walking.
How about getting down from the bus at one stop prior and walk from there to your work and using stairs instead of the lift.
Doing exercises doesn't mean you have to go to gym 😊 Open and greener space are free, go for a nature walk anytime during the day. If you are at work, take short breaks, walk to your colleague desk if you have any question instead of texting. Use the lunch breaks effectively and grab your colleague for a quick power walk!
Things that we have control over can be the best to start with. As an example, not sitting on the couch for a very long time while watching TV. Sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest causes of being overweight and obese.
Engage yourself in moderate-intensity and aerobic activity that causes a slight increase in breathing and heart rate. Mix these activities with vigorous intensity activities 1 or 2 days per week (swimming, running, jogging, playing football, basketball). These types of exercises or activities need some heavy breathing and causes your hearts to beat rapidly.
Start slowly and gradually. Form a daily routine to perform some exercises during the day. The benefit you will gain from being active is remarkable. You feel much energetic, stress free, active, improved energy level.
Now that you are fully equipped with the knowledge of physical activity and their health benefits, it's time to get active and contact Harman at Nutrificent Life to understand more about creating a healthy balance in life. Get active, Get healthy!